Friday, December 1, 2006


Trees, lights and candles - this wonderful time of year brings out these beautiful decorations. However, as much as we love them, they bring out their own special dangers to our home. Help keep your family safe by following a few simple tips.

LIVE TREES: Before you buy that beautiful new tree, make sure that it is fresh. Shake off any dead needles before bringing it into the house. Cut one inch off the bottom of the tree and mount it in a tree stand that holds water. Keep the stand full of water. Place the tree in an area away from fireplaces, heating vents, heating appliances, or anything that will dry out the tree.

LIGHTS: Always use lights that have been tested for safety by looking for the U.L. label. Check for wear and tear on the lights, and do not use any lights that have frayed cords, frayed wires, or loose connections. Do not use any more than 3 cords per extension cord. Never place cords under rugs or in the path of traffic.

CANDLES: Never use lighted candles on the tree or near other evergreens. Keep lit candles away from children. Never leave burning candles unattended. Make sure candles are at least a few feet away from items that can burn such as curtains or upholstery.

FIREPLACES: Never burn wrapping paper in a fireplace; a flash fire could result as wrapping paper can ignite quickly and burn intensely. Excessive heat can damage your chimney and cause a fire in the wall.

BE PREPARED: Make sure all fire detectors are in working order and that a fire extinguisher is available.


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