Saturday, December 9, 2006


This is not your ordinary recipe! This is a recipe for a Comfort Kit that was suggested by Operation Military Pride (, which also will put you in touch with service members. You can simply print out this list of ingredients with their meaning and send it in an envelope. Or put together a little care package, including the items.

Lifesavers —- To remind you that that's what you are.
A match —- To light your fire when you're feeling burned out.
Mounds candy bar —- To remind you of the mounds of love & support you have from back home.
Tape —- To fix things that will not work.
Confetti —- To remind you to have fun.
Starburst candy —- To give you a burst of energy on days when you don't have any.
Pack of gum —- To help your unit stick together.
Cotton ball —- To cushion the rough roads.
A rubber band —- To stretch yourself beyond the limits.
A string —- To tie things together when everything falls apart.
A penny —- We all need a little luck.
A marble —- For when you lose yours.
A battery —- To give you that extra charge to keep you going ... and going.
Piece of rope —- When you reach the end of yours, this will keep you going a bit longer.
Sample pack of Excedrin —- Thank you, I know this job can be a headache.
Paper clip —- To hold it all together.
A Hershey's kiss or hug —- To let you know there's always someone on your side.
Mint —- Because you are worth a mint.
Phone cards —- Reminder to call home when you can.
Candle —- To light up the darkness.
Tootsie Roll —- To help you roll with the punches.
Laffy Taffy —- To remind you to laugh.
Jolly Rancher —- To remind you how sweet things can be.
Map of U.S.A. —- So you will never be far from home.
Yellow ribbon —- So you will know you will always be supported till you come home!

This recipe will "taste" better than any other recipe you will make this holiday season!!!


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